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Pencil Kings Podcast 243: Launching A Board Game on Kickstarter

Champions of Akathena's game creator, Dan Piche, once again joins Mitchell Bowler on Pencil King's podcast - episode 243 to share his insights on creating a board game and testing a game within the COVID restrictions. In this episode he shares how the game's mechanics were adjusted to encourage team based co-operation, how table top simulator was used to continue testing during lock down and reiterates the 3 simple questions Dan asks every player to make sure the magic of the player's experience is never lost in development. He also speaks a little about our $500 Kickstarter tier which will allow a limited number of backers to create their own champion for their personal copy of the game, as well...

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Champions is launching on Kickstarter - June 29th!

Save the day June 29th! Champions of Akathena: Blood and Magic Kickstarter campaign will be launching this month!   After so much hard work, dedication and years of development, Champions of Akathena will be going live at the end of the month, and the team couldn't be more excited.   We invite you to check out our Kickstarter's launch page and sign up to be notified when we launch. The plan is that if we reach our goal of CAD 35,000, we'll be able to do a complete print run of Blood and Magic. If we reach our stretch goal of CAD 65,000, then we'll also be able to produce the second core box, Champions of Akathena: Into the Wild. ...

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